Monday, 20 February 2017

Strictly for Yoruba wives…… (Others can imbibe no shaking)

Hi Guys, ✌ Let me firstly do a *wink* before starting this…whichever way you want to take it no problem, but I think this should honestly be taken serious.👅

It is high time we stop all this our western way of administrating our homes and go back to old time religion (Our Culture). I understand sha! All this movies on Telemondo, Televista, Telekinikan is really changing our wives orientation, sapping their good virtues and derailing from doing what is right is no more an issue.

Let me quickly go straight to my point….I am going to review a whole lots of wives habit this week but let me eat my moin-moin from the soft part (Ibi pelebe lati ma nmu ole je). This one is really making me feel hann!hann! 👻👲

Food ---- It is no more a challenge for our wives of now a days to tell daddy to go to the fridge and bring out stew and warm for himself if he wants to eat….cooking at home now is becoming an old life style because of thousands of excuses….I know lots of you will start making some religious defence now and start being catholic than Pope. I understand whatever you want to say…she is a helper…she is not meant to do this and do that…but please abeg stop hiding under that and stop being shy away from your objective. A cultured wife will not turn her husband to errand boy please *frowning* Even if you have lots on your desk to clear, that has not given you an impetus to take advantage of him. You can curl this in a polite way as a matter of fact, if you respectfully request for help he will surely do so with joy and even go extra-mile. Don’t come home and accuse him that “Baby, e ti fo abo ni? (Baby, you have not washed plate) all because you met him at home and he has always been doing that. Please give some respect as I know your husband is oloripipe (correct head) and he knows what is right. See, there is nothing you want to say to negate this, you are meant to accord respect to your husband, and this is the right thing to do. Let me also word you on this, when preparing your meal, learn to serve your husband first. Some wives are used to serving kids, and visitors first and will now give the isale pot (remnant) to daddy to eat. Haaa!!! tori Olorun 👀👀 This is uncalled for. As you are stirring that Amala (Yam flour) as hot as it is, please, serve Daddy first, you will be amazed how his reaction will be when you start giving this type of respect. You will get all you need from him and things will be fine in your home.💚💙💗 This really count as men are wired to be respected by their wives.👌

See U 👋

#Spartan Prof J#

Wednesday, 13 April 2016




A boon friend of mine (Gift) called me some weeks back and said Wale, I had a dream. I was so curious to hear the dream having the understanding how gifted she is in dreams. I said Gift, let me hear you. She said she had a dream that she saw herself in a very big apartment relaxing in her Jacuzzi while a uniformed chef came to tap her and said….Madam, your food is ready. She was shocked to found out who the chef was. The shock woke her from that short nap. I asked; Gift who was the chef? She said the chef was DANGOTE---THE RICHEST MAN IN AFRICA. I laughed out loud. She asked Wale, can this dream be true? I immediately responded; YES. Why not? It is a signal of your greatness in life. Hold on to that you are doing, be diligent in it, do not be discouraged and you will surely make the hit. I explained to her in related to some confidential known plans she is having.
Many a times we feel it is late for us to be very rich in this our present world considering the present economy status and our family strata…I say NO to that. Surviving might be difficult now but application of knowledge (Wisdom) to any thing called “MONEY” within your present possession can bring us to lime light. After all, Dangote started with a 250Naira equivalent to NOW N25,000, The Nigerian Legend blogger started with 2,000naira some years back. How did all of them go about this? I called this financial wisdom. (Channeling and managing your “little” resources in a right way).

Tips on how to be Financially wise:

·         ARDENT GIVER:  Giving is a supernatural reciprocal way of receiving. I call giving a metaphoric word which till now the outcome of giving is unexplainable by human knowledge. There is no action in life that you involve and get the opposite except “Giving”. When you Give you Receive. It provokes heavenly blessings. That is why King David said “ I will not give God what will not cost me” he understood the mystery behind giving and I can imagine how blessed he was. Inculcate the habit of giving and you will see how this principle works. You don’t need to be a highly spiritual or sanctimonious human before you receive the reward of giving. It is a grace given to all men irrespective of your faith and believe. Luke 6:38. Mark Batterson quoted “When God blesses you financially, don’t raise your standard of living, raise your standard of GIVING”. BE A GIVER!!

·         TITHE PAYER: Oohh this is what I am sure many people will not love to hear but this is a spiritual truth. A principle that works for your finance. Many are so guilty of this but it does not change God’s standard. His word is ‘Yea and Amen’. Malachi 3:3 a well known part of the bible that we don’t love to read. Not only financial blessing comes to whoever pays tithe but all other blessings will be such persons. Payment of tithe has been abused due to ignorance and satanic way of depriving people of their blessings. We are full of excuses, self justification, common sense application and the likes…some are even ready to argue down to earth 1000 reasons why they should not pay tithe. How the tithe is being used, administrated should not be your concern. Obey God and you will surely get the reward. Start paying your tithe. Whoever does that is financially wise. TAP INTO THE GRACE!!!

·    HARD WORKER: Of course a diligent man will not stand before mean men. Kings position is such person’s hold. God detest being lazy. He asked sluggards to watch the ways of the ants and be wise. Working hard brings you to the light; it distinguishes you from mere men and set you high. God himself rewards any man who is hard working. Part of why he acknowledged David. A lazy man will not have anything good to show forth. Such man will always want things to come on a platter of gold. Yes!!! AWOF is always their best catch. The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand. A dream of becoming rich does not come into reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and HARD WORK.

·         PRUDENT SPENDER: Stop being an extravagant spender. The little you earn is more than enough for you if you can (i.) Have a Long term goal on what you want to achieve in a particular year and (ii) Make your need a priority and not your want; distinguish between needs and wants. A man who is financially wise will not eat with ten hands because of drought days. Do your best to make saving a habit. That reminds me of my “Honey Box Game”. This is a box I keep remains of my spending every day. These remains are the change left from any of my budgeted money. If I plan to take a cab of 100naira and later met 80naira, the 20naira won’t be added to my next spending, it is kept in my “Honey Box”. This box is opened perennially to cater for any unforeseen circumstance in terms of finance. This might look arch-ache but believe me, it saves!!! This is different from your savings for your long term goal. The simple way to be prudent in your spending is to be honest about how your purchase will impact your life. Then decide if what you are looking to spend money on is really worth the asking price, or will it really change your life for the good. The answers might surprise you and make you more prudent in your spending. SPEND PRUDENTLY!!!

“Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest PROSPER and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth. “ 3  John 2”

That is definitely God’s intention for us all!!!!

See U at the peak!



Monday, 28 September 2015

Adieu to Our Best Friend (Kemi Olugbodi).........@WiseWrite

How inevitable!
How could you not have a contender?
Our loved ones you devour
Our Loved ones close to our heart

So complacent!
So proud!
You take whomever, however;
With no mercy...

Tears can't solve it
The pain, the pain we feel
Oh! Our loved ones
If we knew it’s gonna be this way
We would have prepared to Fight it

We will miss you
The Joy you bring, the laughter of peace
The togetherness
The Love
Words can't express it

I am still writing
But nothing in the sheets
Cos it’s unbearable, unwritable
The pain we feel, heart locked
We pray the rest ones lives long

Kemi Olugbodi Abake,
Till we meet again,

                        Edward Gift.

Wednesday, 12 August 2015



I know this man
Who is dear to my heart
Suddenly one day
It was torn all apart

He gave me love in a little time
And touched my life in a little time
It's all over now
oh! That sumptuous gift on my wedding day!

He tried to teach me
Right from wrong
The day he left
I wasn't there!

He is gone now
It is hard to believe
This man is our dad
He calls me 1st Son (Opara)
Who I will never see again

But I will see him again
This I know
The day will come
When it's time for us to go

So, I'll hold him dear
And close to my heart
Cause the day we meet
I know we'll never be torn apart.


Adieu My Daddy Agbalu! 

Thursday, 9 July 2015

OOU MOURNS.....June 26, 2015....@WiseWrite


Dozens of undergraduates of Olabisi Onabanjo University (OOU) Ago – Iwoye, have reportedly lost their lives after a container fell on a passenger bus they were traveling in.

The fatal accident, according to The Nation, occurred along the Sagamu stretch of the Lagos/Benin expressway, on Friday, June 26, killing 12 occupants, including the driver.

I am not an Alumnus, but it grieved my heart when prospective student’s lives get truncated after all they have gone through. It is so sad to the world because these people worth changing the country and even the world. Potentials gone!!! Stars darkened…..This little piece for them from WiseWrite and the song dedicated to them by the comrades of the school {produced by Victor Ajala…Jackson Victor Vickyjay...Alma Mata.} click below link and listen to the lyrics and lets bear them in our heart 4ever!!!!!

“There is this wound it hurts so bad
it always appears when we are sad
No matter what we do it won't go away
it’s in our heart where it will always stay
It appeared the day you all left this world
to make things easy that we couldn't bear
we search for you every day
if we are sick, sad, or just have something to say.
we are jealous of some colleagues
who still have their friends
we tell them to appreciate what they have,
because after they are gone,
there simply is no others.
we have this pain that won't go away,
it makes us mad that you couldn't stay
No matter many years go by
there's still one time of day that we do cry,
We miss you all dearly and this is true.


Thursday, 2 July 2015

IT'S IN YOU.......@WiseWrite


Tiny creatures operating as a unified entity collectively working together to modify the habitats, tap resources and defend themselves. Small, yet brave. They have no chief, officer or ruler yet they prepare their food in summer and gather their sustenance in harvest. Little wonder the wisest man ever lived, recommended them.
Everyone possesses ideas on how to make life ineffable, plans for a possible course of action and a sort of capability in making a feat. The knowledge of this approves that none is empty or a mediocre; that there is always something to offer, an ability to showcase and a gift to share for the benefit of the world we dwell in. An ant, the tiny creature clearly illustrates enthusiasm and individual style, demonstrating what one can achieve regardless of size or physical strength. These creatures exemplify an intrepid attitude towards virulent issues of life. If such creatures display such sense of responsibility, how much more can we? Surely, there are qualities which lie within and should be exploited for good.

Unfortunately so, we are faced with daily troubles and shortcomings which tend to weigh us down and serve as hindrance from reaching our expected goals. It is unavoidably normal to feel alarmed by these difficulties but highly risky in constantly wallowing in them for they tend to lead us to a cul de sac. Life challenges are inevitable, that should be a constant reminder; however our attitude towards these challenges defines who we really are and the extent we can go. The ability to withstand the ills of life is the beginning in overcoming the fears within and it is done by discarding the kill joys of life and focusing on what we have, in getting to where we ought to be. More so, being unperturbed at criticism life throws each time and persevering against all odds is a requisite in achieving one's Zenith.
All these, however, makes no sense when we neglect our duties and play deaf ears to our responsibilities. These potentials, if bottled up and never unleashed, poses a threat to our very existence, thus a clarion call.
Finally, it is never too late to be what you want to be, to do what you ought to do and positively affect lives around. Remember, it’s better late than never and you can never have to recover from a good start. Shoot for the moon; if you miss it, you will find your shot among the sTarS…Just believe…IT’S IN YOU.


Thursday, 25 June 2015

Aderemi...Episode 1{An Intriguing Story}....@WiseWrite


Aderemi!!!! Aderemi!!! Aderemi!!!! His mother called him 3times while entering the house and found Aderemi’s breakfast still lying on the table at about 5pm….but he refused to respond! Aderemi!! She angrily opened the door and met her only son still on bed sobbing!! Ha! You this boy, you want to kill me? Ehnnn… what have I done to deserve this from you? Why will you continue sobbing after 2weeks? Ehnn?? Please Oko mi (My Son in yoruba….) let all this my plea sink into you, don’t kill yourself with unending tears, at least you know I don’t have anyone but you, your father in the grave now will not be happy in heaven seeing you treating me like this ehnn??? If that is what you like, continue, continue…” she started sobbing with Aderemi. Aderemi turned after a while with his wet face and moved close to her mother and embraced her, they both continued to sob in each other’s arm, well wrapped. “I am so sorry Mother…..Aderemi uttered… you know I don’t really want to do this, but I am so left with no choice, I can’t handle this, it is so hard for me to consume mother…oh noo!!! I can’t bear this mother…..He wiped his face and looked straight to his mother, with a strong grip of her shoulder…. He echoed with slight aggression “Mother, I knew it, I said it, I know this will end like this, and I warned you several times but you won’t listen to me…Oh Mother, I hate to tell you this repeatedly, you are the cause of this…Ha! After 10 years??? 10 solid years!!!! Oh my God!!! He threw himself back to the bed and cried profusely. His mother was still at the bed side whimpering……

….to be continued…